Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Favorite Board Books

Reading is a habit we want to instill in our son. So we've been reading every night to Wyatt. Here are six of my favorite kids books:

Going to Bed Book by Sandra Byonton - This is a fun book for going to bed. It sets the stage for going to sleep with all of the animals doing a pre-bed routine. We also have this in Spanish. It's goofy because we struggle with some of the pronunciation. Our little one forgives us.

Hand Hand Fingers Thumb by Al Perkins - I like this book because of the rhythmic way it's written. "Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb, One hand, One hand Drumming on a drum." It's an amusing read.

Time for Bed by Mem Fox - All of these animals are putting their young one's to bed. It's cute and has a nice rhyme scheme.

Chica Chica Boom Boom by Bill Martin Jr. - If "Hand Hand" was rhytmicly good, Chica Chica is great. It's so enjoyable to read and act it out. Our LO usually laughs at this even at his young age. Probably more because I'm being goofy.

Cozy Classics: Pride and Prejudice by Jack Wang - Jack Wang and his wife have a number of books they have created with felt characters. They are really well done visually. The text is almost too simple with single words instead of sentences. It's great for classics fans, and I'm sure the board book tastes just as good to our little guy.

Trucks by Byron Barton - It covers all the things trucks do for an infant. We also have Boats!

Any favorites of yours I should add to keep up the variety?