Bunnies aren't just cute like everybody supposes!
They've got them hoppy legs and twitchy little noses!
And what's with all the carrots?
What do they need such good eyesight for anyway?
Bunnies, bunnies, it must be bunnies!!
... Or maybe midgets?
-Sung by Anya in "Once More, With Feeling"
Season 6, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
My friend, Laura, sent me this article about a giant Bunny in germany. Part of me wants to think this is a hoax, but it was in the New York Post and they tend to make fewer mistakes than the NY Times.
Here is the news story.
German Giant, one of the biggest bunnies on the face of the planet, tips the scales at 17 pounds — almost seven pounds more than the average rabbit of his breed. And he’s still growing, according to German breeder Hans Wagner (above), whose hair-raising angora hare was the highlight of a recent rabbit fair in BerlinOn all paws, German Giant, named for the world’s largest rabbit breed, stands 17 inches tall. And standing on his hind feet, he’s more than three feet tall. To find out how unusual Wagner’s wabbit is, The Post contacted Six Bells Rabbitry in, Colo. “That’s a huge animal. That’s amazing,” said breeder Michelle Jones. “In the States, it’s hard to get them past 12 to 15 pounds.” How did German Giant get so big? “I don’t feed him an unusual diet,” said Wagner. “He goes through more than his brothers and sisters, but he eats the same food mix. His favorite food is actually lettuce. He can never get enough of it.” Herr Hare is unusual in another way, he noted. “Unlike some other rabbits I’ve had, he’s really a gentle character — a gentle giant.”
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