Monday, October 31, 2005

Random Thoughts

  1. People are their own worst enemy. I think this comes from a lack of introspection and self knowledge. If more people would ask themselves "what do I feel and why do I feel it?" they would be better off. I have a friend who is having a crisis right now for this very reason.
  2. I've had several people tell me that their twenties were the worst for them, that they changed the most in their twenties, and thank god they are in their thirties. I also heard someone else say "never trust anyone under 30." I haven't thought about this much since I've only been in my thirties for a year, but I think there is some truth to this. So with my birthday approaching, "here's to the next decade, may it be better than the last."
  3. I grieve slowly and randomly. When my grandpa died, I felt sad about it at random times. And still, today, I miss him.
  4. Recently, I had two close friends lose their mothers. One of the women I knew well and felt close to. Last week I felt the full weight of their loss while watching an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I actually couldn't stop crying while I was watching the show.
  5. I have three very good friends who are all wicked smart. Oddly, I could refer to them as my Id, Ego, and Superego. I'm not a Freudian, but they each highlight a specific part of my personality when I'm around them.
  6. I hate daylight wasting time---oh, wait, I already said that.
  7. I'm going to be sailing on my birthday this year. :) But only if I don't get blown away by a hurricane. :(

1 comment:

Tina said...

thanks, j