Friday, February 16, 2007

Buffy Syndrome

This article referred from Whedonesque is what happened to me.

"I use the Joss Whedon series "Buffy" as an example because it describes how I allowed nothing more than a name to rob me of months and almost years of television viewing pleasure, simply because I had the wrong mindset."

I heard from a number of people that Buffy was a great show. I couldn't get over the name. Finally, after falling in love with Firefly I looked into Buffy. Keep in mind... the show had been canceled. Finished. There was no more Buffy. So I watched the entire series on DVD and it turns out that it is my favorite show on TV (if you count syndication).

So the moral of the story... don't judge a book by its cover and don't judge a series by its name.

PS As noted by others, Joss Whedon isn't going to be doing the new Wonder Woman. Damnit Joss, we need our fix... can't you get that... we need new Whedon.... so get on that will you.

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