Friday, July 20, 2007

Ginger Ice Cream

2/4 C Sugar
3 egg yolks
1.5 C milk
1 T finely grated fresh ginger root including juice
pinch of salt
1.5 C heavy whipping cream

Combine the cream, milk, ginger and salt in a heaving pan and simmer for 20 minutes.

Beat sugar and egg yolks until pale yellow. Slowly whisk about 1 C of the hot cream mix into the egg yolk mix, then pour all the egge mixture in the pan and stir. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly until mixture thickens, about 5-10 minutes. Remove from heat.

Strain into a large bowl, pushing against the sides to extract the liquid from the ginger and isolate any fibrous pieces.

Pour into covered container and refrigerate until well chilled (overnight).

Process according to ice cream makers instructions.

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