Thursday, December 22, 2005

I'm (not) with the band

I played guitar for about ten years around when I was in high school and early college, but set it aside. I just recently picked it up again and have been surprised about how much I remember.

Anyhow, since I've been playing I've been toying around with the idea of starting a blues band. Not something too serious with the touring, and the promoting, and the recording, but something to do for fun on occasion. Maybe the opening act for an opening act.

Well, last night I spent the evening at Swallow Hill at their blues jam. I had a great time! I learned a few new songs. I learned a few new cords. I played until my fingers (almost) bled. (Note to self, work on my callouses).

As much as I had a great time, I came to the conclusion that the weakest member of my one man band is me. It is going to be some time before I'm ready to ask others to play with me. I had a terrible time remembering chord changes. I was sort of like the littlest girl in a kindergarten dance recital; I would watch the others for the next move. I was like the Peter Keating guitar player.

So this just means that I'm going to have to keep on practicing, keep on playing at sessions like last night, and generally keep on keeping on. Eventually I'll be just like John Lee Hooker, only a little whiter.

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