Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Online Radio Stations

I normally don't listen to the radio at the office. I get distracted by the commercials and the DJs. Something about hearing someone talk interrupts my ability to focus on anything else.

Recently, I've checked out a couple of the on-line radio stations. I started with AOL and have tried out Yahoo! Music. I have to say I'm impressed. AOL had a great mix in the three categories I've been flipping between--blues, classic rock, and classical. This week, AOL seems to have partnered with XM radio and the mix went down hill. This prompted me to check out Yahoo!

Yahoo!'s mix is as good as AOL's. They do play commercials periodically, but only 30 second spot at a time. You also have to pay for some of the more specialized sites, including blues. :( They have two additional features I like: First, they have a "skip this track" button. If you just hate "Takin' Care of Business" by Bachman-Turner Overdrive, you can simply skip it. (You can't skip the commercials!) Second, it will stop periodically to see if you're still listening. It is nice to know that the radio won't be on all night if I forget to shut down the computer.

My older sister, who works at Microsoft, has recommended I try MSN's music site. I'll let you know what I think once I give it a shot.

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