Wednesday, November 09, 2005


I almost got seasick today. We were getting pretty strong winds and the woman who was driving couldn't keep a steady course. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. My stomach started to rebel after about half an hour. I took some ginger tablets, which they say will calm your stomach. Based on my reaction to it, it does. I felt better in only a few minutes. I didn't feel entirely "right" until Rob started driving.

You remember the four books I was supposed to have finished for this trip. If I had finished them, I would have learned that seasickness comes from a faulty sense of horizon. When your body is being shaken about, but the horizon doesn't seem to move, you get seasick. It helps to drive the boat, or to keep moving because it helps to reestablish the horizon. The book also says if you cant move, it helps to stare at the horizon for a few minutes.

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