Thursday, January 19, 2006

Coverville, Podcasting, and Trouble

A big thanks to Kim, who recommended Coverville to me. The podcast is a show of cover songs only. [Except for the show of non-covers-ie the songs you think are covers but aren't.]

Of course, I'm a bit of a curious creature so I dug up some info on Podcasting, and I think I may be in trouble. You see, blogging takes some time, but not a lot. Podcasting would take some more time, but, damnit, I've always wanted a radio show!

Now, to cut off any snickering, chortling, or general hysterical laughing, I am NOT talking about a talk show. I'm talking about a good old fashion radio show, with music interspersed with news, traffic, and sports updates.

I will let you know how this interest progresses, but I may be in trouble. On the positive side, I may be able to use my blues name for this!!!

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